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Note: If you are an Alder Commons Member, you can use your online account to request to host a program at Alder Commons.

We welcome new potential partnerships with people and organizations to facilitate interesting programs. Programs may be as minimal as a single one hour Zoom meeting, and can be as involved as a recurring multi-hour in-person course. Ideally, we’ll schedule a program at least a month in advance, but some exceptions can be made!

Link to this section Core Values Alignment

All of the programs we host must align with some of our organization’s Core Calues:

To get a sense of how our Core Values influence our facilitation, check out our Facilitation Guide.

Link to this section Types of Programs

See our programs page to get a sense of what kinds of things we host.

Link to this section Programs we don’t host

  • Religious programs
  • Programs promoting a political candidate
  • Programs involving drugs or alcohol

Link to this section Profit-Sharing

Alder Commons programs are hosted by both volunteer and paid facilitators. Alder Commons uses a 50-50 profit sharing model with our paid facilitators, the details of which can be found in our Facilitator Agreement. For these AC-run programs, Staff will help with the collection of registration fees, preparation and sharing of marketing materials, logistical support day-of, etc. The revenue from these programs help subsidize Alder Commons as a nonprofit, where all services are provided either for free or on a sliding scale.

Facilitators who are Members of Alder Commons may choose to host a Member-run program at Alder Commons without the administrative and outreach support of Alder Commons Staff, in which case all profit would go to the facilitator and not be shared with the nonprofit.

Link to this section Constraints

In some instances, we may require a minimum number of program registrations by a certain date. If this minimum is not met, we may cancel the program. These details will be worked out with the facilitator before scheduling the program. Please read our COVID Policy, as our policy is more conservative than most organizations.